In the thrilling saga of Vincy Alliance Mas, the epic journey began in 2012 when we realized that folks in Europe were missing out on the dazzling gem that is St. Vincent & the Grenadines. Like superheroes in sparkly costumes, we swooped in to unite Vincentian buddies and kin, armed with a mission to showcase our island vibes in the local scene.

Fast forward to today, and behold! Vincy Alliance Mas has become the indisputable MVP for St. Vincent and the Grenadines in the United Kingdom. We’re not just about strutting our stuff at The Notting Hill Carnival – oh no! We’re the life of the party all year round, hosting social shindigs that would make even the Caribbean sea jealous.

But hold on, there’s more! Vincy Alliance Mas is like a fine wine – it gets better with time. Each year, we hit the road with more zest and zing, growing in strength and size. Our secret weapon? A Unique Selling Proposition (USP) that caters to our Vincentian revellers. It’s not just a band; it’s a carnival family, proving that there’s an insatiable hunger for the Vincy vibes. Join us, because FOMO is so last season!

Our Mission

Get ready for a life-changing invitation! We’re not just offering opportunities; we’re throwing open the doors to a carnival of personal growth, cultural exploration, and community camaraderie!

Picture this: a chance for local folks and volunteers to dive headfirst into a whirlwind of organized events. It’s not just about ticking off boxes; it’s about expanding your life skills, dancing through the colorful mosaic of cultural diversity, breaking free from isolation, and unleashing your inner community superhero.

But wait, there’s more! We’re not here to just dip our toes in the community pool; we’re cannonballing in with a long-term goal that’s as epic as a blockbuster movie plot. Drumroll, please! Our dream is to create a permanent community space – a buzzing hive where newbies and the OG community can come together in a harmonious fiesta.

Join us on this rollercoaster of fun and self-discovery. It’s not just an invitation; it’s a golden ticket to a future where every high-five exchanged and every lesson learned is a step towards a community that thrives on togetherness. After all, who needs FOMO when you can be the life of the community party? Let’s make memories, broaden horizons, and build bridges – one event at a time!

Our Future

VAM has set itself the challenge of further expanding its profile in High Wycombe by offering opportunities for local people and volunteers to participate in organised events revolving around Caribbean festivals. By playing an active part in VAM’s activities, participants from all backgrounds can broaden their life skills, familiarise themselves with a thriving cultural deeply embedded within their community and most importantly, have fun. Through dance, music, the arts, or simply by helping with the organisation with preparations for wonderful events, young people particularly will find ample opportunities to indulge themselves in one of Britain’s most colourful and joyful festivals.